Glossary of Terms
In this industry, there are a variety of terms that may need explaining for users who are not extremely familiar with the products on offer. Whether you’re a brand new smoker or you just want to brush up on terminology (we definitely suggest it if the last time you smoked was when Jerry Garcia was still alive), you can learn everything you need to know right here in our glossary!
Throughout our site you will see many of the following terms used for products and product descriptions; this is a list of the most common items that may need further explanation.

The millimeter sizes refer to the ground joint on glass-on-glass products. The standard industry sizes are 10mm, 14mm, and 18mm, though 18mm is occasionally listed as 19mm. Both represent the same measurement of 18.8mm and can be rounded up or down for simplicity, provided the rounding remains consistent.

The millimeter sizes mentioned refer to the dimensions of the glass slides used in the standard product, which does not feature a glass-on-glass design.
Ash Catcher Mouthpiece

The recessed mouthpiece, designed to prevent ash from entering your mouth, commonly found on pipes like the GRAV Classic Spoon.
Ashcatcher or Ash-Catcher

These are bong or waterpipe accessories designed to prevent resin buildup at the bottom of your piece. They offer extra filtration, resulting in a cleaner and smoother smoking experience.

A one-hitter, also known as a oney, bat, tay, oney bat, or taster, is a slim pipe with a narrow, screened bowl designed to hold a small amount (around 25 mg) of cannabis flower, tobacco, or other dry, finely ground herbal blends. It provides a single inhalation or “hit” of smoke or vapor, making it a convenient and discreet option for personal use.

A bong, also called a water pipe, is a larger smoking device that uses water for filtration. It typically features a tube-style mouthpiece, a downstem, and a bowl. On our site, “Bongs & Water Pipes” are for dry herbs, while “Dab Rigs” are for waxes and concentrates.
See MJ Arsenal Summit Bong

Borosilicate glass is a premium material commonly used for crafting pipes. Renowned for its strength and durability, it can withstand regular use but is not suitable for sudden or extreme temperature changes.

The bowl is the rounded section of a pipe designed to hold the herb. It typically features a single hole at the bottom to enable airflow for smoking, though some bowls incorporate multiple holes or built-in screens for improved functionality.

A compact hand pipe that holds water, resembling a mini bong. Bubblers usually have a built-in downstem to filter smoke through water, offering a smoother smoking experience.

The carb is a small hole found on glass hand pipes and certain acrylic pipes. While inhaling, the hole is covered with the thumb or finger to trap smoke inside the pipe. When the carb is uncovered, it releases the smoke, making it easier to inhale. This feature is also known as a “power hitter.”
Carb Cap

A device used for dabbing. Usually used with domeless nails, the carb cap is placed over the nail, pressurizing the oil within and causing it to spread over the surface. This, in turn, helps to vaporize waxes that would ordinarily be wasted.

A dry pipe that resembles a larger glass one-hitter, featuring a small, straight shape and lacking a carb.
Dab Rig

Similar in function and design to a water pipe or bong, a dab rig is used for smoking concentrates or waxes instead of herbs. It typically features a male joint with a nail and dome, although some models use domeless nails.
See MJ Arsenal – The Ill’ien Dab Rig

A dab is a small amount of wax intended for use in dab rigs, typically enough for a single hit. Dabbing refers to the process of smoking this concentrated substance.

A dabber is a tool used for smoking dabs, typically ranging from 2” to 5” in length and made of metal or glass, with at least one pointed tip. There are many different types of dabbers and tips, each designed for specific functions.

Diffusion refers to the process of water flowing through a percolator to create small bubbles, which cool and smooth the hit. A “diffused” product, like a downstem, is designed to diffuse the smoke in this way, enhancing the overall experience.

This glass accessory features a female joint that is designed to fit onto dab rigs. It retains smoke while the nail heats up, allowing the smoke to be delivered smoothly to your piece once ready.
Domeless Nail

Used for smoking concentrates. It requires the smoker to heat it to a high temperature before touching the dab directly to the nail, discarding the need for a dome. The smoke travels through a hollow center in a domeless nail, unlike a standard nail, where the smoke travels around the nail and is held in by the dome.

The section of the pipe that carries smoke from the bowl into the water, commonly found in most bongs and water pipes. Available in various lengths, these parts are easy to replace on most pipes.

A compact container designed for storing tobacco or herbs. Many include a compartment for one-hitters, making it easy to enjoy a quick smoke.
E-Nail/Electric Nail

A device for dab rigs that allows the user to control the temperature of the nail without need of torches or domes. The nail heats electronically, allowing it to stay hot for hours at a time.

A term used to describe the point of attachment or connection where glass components join on a glass pipe. Let your creativity flow!

A slang term for dry herb. For instance, a “flower bowl” refers to a bowl used for smoking dry herb.

A glassblowing technique that incorporates gold or silver flakes into the glass, causing it to change color when exposed to different surfaces or varying heat levels. “Gold fumed” pipes usually appear yellowish before they change, while “silver fumed” pipes often have a pinkish tint.
Glass on Glass

“GoG,” short for glass-on-glass, describes pipes that form a sealed connection using two glass ground joints, rather than the rubber o-ring found in standard pipes.
Ground Joint

The frosted part of a GoG connection, available in male or female options and in sizes of 10mm, 14mm, or 18mm.
Heady Glass

A term used for premium pipes crafted with cutting-edge technology, typically produced in limited quantities.

A glass extrusion from a pipe, where the marble either highlights the pattern below or displays its own distinctive design, such as a flower, millefiori, or opal.
Like the FashionCraft Pink Marble Pipe Mug

Tiny shards of coloured glass used to create intricate designs in glass pipes.
Check this option Regal Glass – 5” Double Slime Color Honeycomb Hand Pipe With Reverse Artwork On The Top

Known as a “bat,” this compact, cigarette-sized pipe lacks a carb and fits perfectly into a dugout for a quick, discreet smoke. One-hitters are typically crafted from glass, quartz, or metal and come in three size options. Like the ONGROK Taster Bat – Aluminum One-Hitter

A tiny gem often embedded in marble for decorative effect.

A supplementary filtration system in bongs and water pipes that provides a smoother, cleaner hit. The most popular percolator designs include inline, showerhead, barrel, and tree shapes.
Available in the Regal Glass – 6” Smoking Gorilla Rig With Banana Perc

Quartz is a type of glass commonly used for crafting domeless nails, bats, and various other accessories. While it is more fragile than Pyrex, it can endure higher temperatures without cracking.

A part of a bong or water pipe designed to redirect water back to the base instead of letting it rise through the mouthpiece. This enhances the flow, offering a smoother experience compared to most traditional water pipes. Like MJ Arsenal Infinity Mini Rig

A method used on glass pieces that removes surface layers to etch a logo or design. This process involves blasting sand onto the glass through a stencil, which is how it gets its name. Like MJ Arsenal – SandBlasted Pioneer

This pipe gets its name from its resemblance to Sherlock Holmes’ iconic hook-shaped design. Any pipe with a bowl that dips below the level of the mouthpiece is often classified as a Sherlock.

Often called a “bowl,” this is the part of a pipe or bong where the herb is packed and fits into the downstem. Slides are typically glass-on-glass (GoG) but can also come in 9mm or 12mm sizes with a rubber O-ring.

A common hand pipe with a bowl and carb. Aptly named for the shape of the pipe. Sits like a “spoon” with a hollowed-out end.

A hybrid device that combines features of a spoon pipe and a bubbler. It offers the portability of a spoon pipe with the added water filtration of a bubbler for smoother hits.

A smoking device used for consuming herbs or other substances, where the smoke is filtered and cooled by water before inhalation. Waterpipes, commonly known as bongs, provide a smoother smoking experience by lowering the temperature and harshness of the smoke.

A decorative glassblowing technique featuring intricate, colorful, and wavy patterns commonly found on glass products like pipes or rigs.